Catherine: A Case Study
Catherine is a seventh grader in a self-contained classroom for children with autism. She has a diagnosis of optic-nerve hypoplasia, which, in addition to varying levels of visual impairment, often presents characteristics similar to autism. Catherine can communicate verbally, but does not read braille or large print. Catherine has a teacher of the visually impaired (TVI) and also receives OT, speech therapy, PT, and O&M. Catherine’s school has a community garden that her class can access at the teacher’s discretion. Catherine enjoys listening to audiobooks (Compensatory Access and Assistive Technology) while sitting on a swing in the garden during free choice time (Recreation and Leisure).
Her class has spent time learning about different garden jobs, and Catherine “applied” for the job of garden clean-up using the speech to text option on her tablet to complete the written application (Compensatory Access, Assistive Technology, and Career Development). Catherine practices her job by learning to identify all the gardening tools and supplies by feel (Sensory Efficiency). During O&M, her instructor orients her to the garden and the garden shed. The O&M specialist reports to the OTP that Catherine had trouble holding a tray with small pots and two trowels without spilling items. During OT, Catherine practices holding the tray in a level position with her left arm while using her right arm to sweep her cane back and forth while walking from the potting table to the shed (ILS and O&M). Catherine is also practicing this skill to become an independent traveler in the cafeteria.
During this particular session, Catherine is noted to demonstrate increased repetitive behaviors, which, for her, is an indicator of increased stress. The OTP asks Catherine if she needs to take a break. Catherine reports that the sun is bothering her and she is becoming frustrated with the activity (Self Determination). While on the way back to her classroom, she discusses the steps for entering the classroom quietly and asking her teacher politely for a rest break (Self Determination and Social Interaction Skills), which is provided as needed to facilitate self-regulation. The OTP briefly reports progress and areas to facilitate practice to the teacher.